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Friday, April 24, 2009

10 Tips For Single Parents to Move On And Get Ahead

by: Laura C. Ries

For some, it takes a while to figure out what to do after a divorce. The idea of facing life and raising children on your own had never even been a thought, and now it is a reality. Here are tips for enjoying your life right now.

1. Breath, take time to relax. I know this may sound strange, but if you pay attention, you might find that you are holding your breath. Your body will be able to deal with stress better if you take time to breathe deeply. Also you can tighten your muscles, then let go to help relax.

2. Be Thankful. Get a notepad or journal. Each day write at least 5 things you are glad is in your life. Here are some to get you started. Your kid, your health, the car started, you have something to wear, and your job.

3. Hug your kid. This is good for you and him or her. I can’t think of a better way to start the day.

4. List what you liked about the old relationship. There was something or you wouldn’t have been in it. Then look for opportunities to have that in your life right now from a different source.

5. List what you didn’t like about the old relationship. How did you play a part? How can you better recognize this so you don’t allow it back into your life?

6. Give away items you have that are reminders of the old relationship. Enjoy the space or fill the space with what you enjoy. This is a good time to breathe again!

7. Have Fun! Set aside a bit of time and money for fun activities. Try something you’ve always wanted to do.

8. Ask. There is so much information to be had. People want to share what they know especially if you approach them with can you help me? Find out how other parents are solving their problems.

9. Get out of your rut. Try something new every day. This can be as simple as changing the order you get ready in the morning, or taking a different route home from work. Or go see a late show in the middle of the week.

10. Volunteer. There are people who need your skills and talents. And I have found that I get so much more out of volunteering than the people I am helping.

1 comment:

  1. that is amazing articl
    than you
